Tuesday, January 20, 2009


What IS the next big event? Some years ago, I guess about the time JP was born, I started writing Word documents to log events in our lives. At that time, Mason was about 6, Logan about 4, and JP just a baby. The kids were all so funny during that time and LeAnn and I were always trading stories about what one of them had done recently. Anyway, I wanted to preserve some of these thoughts so I began just writing things down in Word. (This was way before the advent of blogging). The process became tedious and needless to say I didn't keep up w/it very well. Some of those old documents are fun to read, just don't know if I can find them anymore! When I received an email from a friend w/a blog address entered, I explored the site and voila! The Next Big Event was born! I like to write, although I'm not very creative, so I'm hoping this blog will become a vehicle to log thoughts and events that someday the kids might enjoy looking back on. Thanks Annie, for the inspiration!