Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Well, the indoor soccer Trojans took another defeat last night (0-2 for the season now). We are a rec team playing in a competitive division against club teams so it's nothing we didn't really expect. Although, in last season's competitive division we went 7-1! After the game the opposing coach stopped me to confirm that we were rec. He couldn't believe how well we were organized and how well we played, being a rec team. He asked why we don't join a club and of course I had to give him my standard answer that our girls are too involved w/other sports to just focus on one. He said we werethe best rec team he'd ever seen! The prevailing thought going in to the game by some of our players and parents was that we were going to get smoked. (Not sure what that means...maybe 10-15 or so to nothing?). We held the club team to a 0-0 halftime score and I could tell the opposing coach and some players were frustrated! Jensen heard their coach say "this should be practice for us!", yelling at his players. A few of our players and myself overheard the coach griping and getting in the face of his players when they were on the bench. They were very surprised, to say the least, to be in a competitive game against a "rec" team! (I love this!) Anyway, we did go on to lose 5-0. But, overall, to make our girls better and get positive comments from opposing coaches about our girls is a very good feeling! I'm really proud of how they played and held together. Hopefully they see the message and will carry forward w/a great season!
I had big intentions to write my blog regularly. Time is tough to find but I wanted to post this nice email I received from a fellow JTA board member. Kenny has a son, Cooper, in 5th grade. Cooper team played after Jensen's game last weekend so he saw JP play her Trojan Hoops game. After the game, Kenny and I were talking and he asked who Jensen was, not knowing she was my daughter. When I told him she was a Prince, he had a ton of positive, nice things to say about her bball skills. Funny, b/c JP had a horrible shooting game (missed about 10 layups) and only scored about 4 points. But, Kenny saw other things in her game that made him send me the following email the next day...

Just wanted to say again how impressed I was with your daughter’s play on Saturday. She plays very good defense and is aggressive on the offensive end. Tell her to keep up the hard work. I look forward to watching her play on Tuesday and Friday nights in the future.